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Why I think all MTF women are all round better than GGs

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Why I think all MTF women are all round better than GGs

Hi, I'm new to this site, and to the entire community to be honest and I have been looking around on some of the forums here. I just want to post my views on MTF transexuals and why in my opinion they are superior to females that are born female.

I did use the term GG correctly in the title didn't I? :S

Not everyone might agree with me here but I'm interested on hearing other people's opinions

First of all I'd just like to say that a lot of MTF transexuals are misunderstood by a lot of males as some sort of play toy or something.. I am referring to the kind of guys that are instantly interested weather they are pre-op or post-op that's down right wrong if you ask me, it's as if they think that since they have a fet--- for that kind of thing then all MTF transexuals are in for just the S-- and don't have feelings.

Anyway, that's not what this post was origionally intended for, I just thought I'd get my opinion on that out there too... The post is about why I believe MTF's are more fit for me than GG's. Basically from talking to a few people on websites like this I have noticed that everyone has been really down to earth, kind and talkative, I don't know why this is but I'm thinking it's either cause I'm just not one of those guys who instantly asks weather they've had an operation or not, or it could be something to do with the fact what I'm comparing these conversations to are the conversations I've had with GGs in the past.

So on that subject, I've came to a conclusion that GGs really do think highly of themselves over us guys, always expecting us to chase after them, not putting any effort into the conversation as they believe they have us wrapped around their finger, I mean honestly, has anyone tried talking to a GG on a dating site or anything like that? All I'm gonna say is: one word replies

Or this could simply just be because some of the MTF girls out there have had some sort of bad experience when first getting to grips with the change, like when they first started to tell people they may not have been as accepting as others and this has caused them to be more friendly with the people who do accept them?

Like I say, not everyone will agree with this here, I'd like to hear it from your point of view guys and girls and I hope nobody finds this offensive at all


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`You have no clue what you are getting into, do you? If you are under the impression that being with a trans-woman is somehow better you should assess whether or not you truly want what you are asking for. Remember that you also have a job, family, neighbors and just random people everywhere who are going to make judgements about you for better or for worse. You are going to have to deal with all the issues surrounding some persons transition and you don't always know how that is going to go. And did you know that many of them transition because they have a medical condition or were suicidal over their perceived sex? Some of them are fortunate enough to have supportive families while others face constant rejection from even their closest family members and are mentally and emotionally unstable ... can you deal with that?

There is much more to this than what I just mentioned but your reasons need to be something more than wanting a relationship with a transgender or transsexual, because most of the time you are dealing with a broken person. Just remember that.

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